Sunday, September 29, 2013

Did You Know You Have Items In Your Kitchen?

Herbs for Spiritual Cleansing

Do you have insight into spirituality?  Do you feel things around you?  One thing that you must understand is that although you see yourself as a human person you also are a spiritual being.  As a spiritual being you absorb all the energy that surrounds you whether it is positive or negative.

Have you ever been sitting down in your living room and all of a sudden your husband or your child walks in and you get a headache or a stomach ache or some kind of pain all of sudden.  Did you notice the second they left the room all the pain disappeared?  As spiritual beings we tend to feel others vibrations or energy. 

This is why it is important to spiritually cleanse yourself every now and then.  Yes, you can pray about it, you can meditate, do yoga and all other great things.  Nature is a great way to cleanse yourselves from negative energy.  Just like natural fruits and vegetables are great for the skin, hair and facials, it is also good for spiritual cleansing.

Although, there are many ways to spiritually cleanse yourself, one of my favorite ways is to use natural plants, herbs and fruits.  Did you know that you can use many things right from your own kitchen? 

One of my favorites to cleanse away all the negative energy is using a coconut.  My other favorites are baths made from plants and  herbs.  They are great not only to repel negative vibrations but to also cleanse your aura.

Here are some great recipes I personally use:

Coconut -purchase a coconut from the local grocery store.  Try to pick one from the very bottom, as people tend to cleanse themselves right in the store or supermarket and then put it back.  I like to grab it from the bottom.  Pick a coconut that has alot of juice inside of it.  Take white candle and bless it as you pray over it and doing the sign of the cross.  Take the candle and place it in a candle holder or a plate.  Take the coconut and rinse it under cold running water, followed by florida water.  Lastly, take a cigar and blow smoke on it.  Take the coconut and start from the head in circular motions work your way down all the way down to your toes as you pray for all the negative energy to be absorbed by the coconut.  Once you are finished put it in a bag and throw it out in the street that you rarely walked down through and leave it there.  As you walk away don't look back and mentally say all the negtive energy stay and do not follow me.  Do not walk down that way for at least seven days.  Let the candle burn and place a cup of water next to the candle.  Notice if the water accumulates alot of bubbles or turns milky white. 

Egg - is a symbol of purity and clean.  Take an egg and follow the same as you did with the coconut.  You can either discard it in a place where you rarely walk or throw it down the toilet.  Break it and then flush.  Just as the egg is flushing away mentally visualize all the negative energy flushing away as well.

Spiritual Baths:

White Carnations - white is the color of purity and spirituality, spiritual cleansing.  It is great to not only repel negative energy but to also clean your aura.  Purchase white carnations and rinse them under cold water.  Place them in a pot with cold water and let sit for a day or two in the refrigerator.  Add florida water, holy water and if you  like a little fragrance, add a few drops of your favorite perfume.  After a day or two strain and place into bottles and store in your refrigerator.  When taking a bath, bathe as you normally would and then pray as you take the bath and start from your head all the way down and cover your whole body in the bath.  DO NOT dry, air dry.  Upon coming out of the shower light a white candle to your gurardian angel and say prayer and give thanks.

Epazote (Herb) - One of my favorites is called Epazote, a mexican plant which you can purchase in most shopping centers that caters to the hispanic community.  The plant comes in a plastic bag and sold by the bunch.  Take the plant and rinse under cold water.  Place in pot and boil.  Let cool and add florida water, holy water and blow cigar smoke in it.  Light a white candle and do the sign of the cross and say a prayer.  Let cool and place in bottle and store.  When taking a bath, you can take one bath or three consecutive baths.  Take your normal bath and then take the spiritual bath and start from the head and soak your whole entire body as you say a prayer.  DO NOT DRY, air dry and upon coming out of the bathroom light a white candle and say prayer and let candle burn.

Mint (Herb) - has a nice fragrance to it and you can use it to refresh your aura and repel negative engery.  Follow the same steps as for the Epazote.

These are just a few to cleanse yourself.  There are many things in your kitchen you can use to  make your own baths for repeling negative energy, peace, and clarity of mind.